In a world where humans and anthropomorphic kinds struggle to coexist, Lee Yueul, a debt-ridden white weasel shifter, is desperate for a way out. His only shot at clearing his debt? Working for the infamous Kang Wooheon, a black mamba shifter whose harsh personality needs a serious overhaul. Wooheon is just as menacing as Yueul remembers from their school days, and Yueul’s job interview quickly goes from awkward to disastrous. Panicking, Yueul blurts out a fake love confession—only to find himself unexpectedly moving in with Wooheon. Worse, Yueul’s new room turns out to be Wooheon’s designated sex room!
Yueul must fulfill the deal he signed with Wooheon’s father or risk losing everything. Can he tame the venomous Wooheon, or will he be the one to get bitten?
ⓒ Spicychili, We’ve Lab all rights reserved
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